Saturday, February 19, 2011

Strange facts that we do not know:


1 - Paper money is not the doing of paper instead of cotton

2 - Baby's stomach can only accommodate 60 ml of milk at a time. Stomach while adults have the maximum capacity of 1.5 liters. However, cattle can carry 300 liters of food in her stomach.

3 - A total of 110.000 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year meet the atmospheric effects of burning petrol. To absorb all the gas, it memerlukukan jungle covering the continent of Australia.

4 - A total of 4.082 kilograms of roses will be able to produce only 0.972kg extracts to be used in a mixture of perfume.

5 - Palm largest in the world can be found only in the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. The weight of ripe fruit up to 22 pounds.

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